My Role As Your Doula


Think of my role as being a Birth Sherpa. I, myself, have been up the “mountain” several times, and I have experienced many variations of that same climb while walking with Women and their families as they bring their babies into the world.

I act as a quiet presence, offering guidance as needed on pacing your climb, giving suggestions and helping to reframe and process perspectives as things intensify, while encouraging you to keep putting one foot in front of the other until you reach your destination.

I view birth as a rite of passage for both the birthing Woman and her Partner and provide holistic support for the whole family.

During Your Pregnancy

My prenatal meetings are designed to help normalize the birthing process and encourage both you and your partner to approach your birth with knowledge and an open mind and heart, while dispelling fear and misinformation along the way.

I have incorporated a balance of information, demonstrations and hands-on practice into our meetings and encourage open discussion throughout our prenatal sessions.

During Labour & Birth

I provide non-medical assistance in coping with the intensity of labour. This may include emotional or physical support, helping you to cope with breath, massage, counter-pressure, rebozo, connecting to your partner or many other possibilities.

I take the stress down a notch for your partner through normalizing the intensity of labour prenatally with focus on what your partner can do to help you cope. I am able to offer relief for your partner by encouraging naps, snacks, breaks for fresh air or meals, or just by being present for support (especially during a long labour). In the event that technology is needed during the labour, I help guide your partner through interventions, keeping the situation calm – which helps keep you calm too.

During Your Postpartum

I follow up with you after the birth of your baby to check that you and your family are settling in, getting enough support as you adjust to life with a new baby. I am also available for breastfeeding help. If you need any specialized assistance outside of my experience or scope of practice, I can help you find a care provider or practitioner who fits your needs.

I Have Had Experience Supporting Families Through:

Unmedicated (Natural) Vaginal Birth
Vaginal Birth Assisted With Medication
Twin Birth (Vaginal)
Breech Birth (Vaginal)
Water Birth
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
Home Birth After Cesarean (HBAC)
Cesarean Birth After Cesarean (CBAC)
Planned Cesarean Birth
Unplanned Cesarean Birth
Premature Labour & Birth